Các câu hỏi tiếng Anh thường gặp khi phỏng vấn xin việc (phần 3)

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Work Related Interview Questions III

1.”If everyone on the team is a veteran, what will you do to fit in and be a beneficial team member instead of a person who appears to be in training?”

This is actually an easy question. Everyone should have a similar answer because there are only a few things that you can do. I’m going to be giving an example of preparing and reading up on information more than usual.

Short Answers

“In this situation, I’ll have to ramp up quickly and study notes from previous meetings before attending any. I’ll also do a lot of studying to catch up so I can participate in discussions instead of appearing to be in training.”

“In the beginning, I’ll put a lot of effort into catching up on any existing projects I join. I believe studying a lot in the beginning to be aware of what is going on is very important.”

“I’ll study as much as I can to fit into a group of veterans. I know I’ll have many questions along the way, but listening carefully and putting pieces together will allow me to catch up quickly. I know I’ll be able to be an effective team player in a short time by following this method.”

Long Answer

“Even if everyone is a veteran, I feel confident I can fit right in. I would prepare as much as I can by reading existing material to catch up on the project. I would plan for meetings by making a list of questions I have and finding the answers to these questions before the meeting. I would also create a list of ideas through the documents I have read. A fresh mind could help with creative solutions. I know that I would be required to study a lot in the beginning, but I would be able to do so at home or by working late in the office.”

This answer shows steps of becoming a team member that doesn’t appear to be in training. It is describing ways to limit training times in meetings, and includes that a new worker could benefit an existing team by making a list of ideas.

2.”How do you intend to learn what you need to know to perform well for this job?”

We have a similar question here, but we can use this opportunity to see another example.

Short Answers

“I have experience in learning new concepts without training. I usually look through books or manuals to find answers. Because I’m good at learning, I’ll study relevant material to help me do my duties well.”

“I have experience in this area so I won’t need much training. However, I know different companies have different ways of doing things, so I’ll learn company policies and methods quickly to apply my existing knowledge to do a good job.”

“The first couple weeks are important. I think it’s important to study the correct material, ask the right questions, and put in extra effort to learn what I need to know. This is what I usually do to make sure I’ll be performing well.”

Long Answer

“If the company provides training, I’ll utilize the training to learn. If not, then I’ll learn by being attentive to what other people do, read up on the documentation, and be willing to ask questions when necessary. I know the first couple of weeks are important and I’m willing to put in extra effort to start off on the right track.”

This example is shorter and more to the point. It is not an answer that will astonish the interviewer, but it is an answer that will show couple good traits about yourself.

3.”If your supervisor tells you to do something that you believe can be done in a different way, what would you do?”

This question is designed to see how you would react to your manager when you disagree. It is important to trust your manager, but at the same time, not follow blindly. That means I should ask questions to clarify, make suggestions, and after a discussion, follow the instructions of your manager. This is the steps I would take to answer this question.

Short Answers

“I will tell my supervisor of an alternative way and explain the benefits. If my supervisor is not convinced, then I’ll follow his instructions.”

“I’ll suggest a different way of doing the assignment along with the benefits. If my supervisor disagrees and insists I do it a certain way, I’ll follow the instructions.”

“I’ll suggest a different method and ask my supervisor if I can do this work the new way. If the result will be the same but would potentially save more time, then I believe my manager will allow it. However, if my manager wants it done a certain way for other reasons, I’ll follow his or her instructions.”

Long Answer

“I would question my supervisor why he or she wants it done this particular way. If I still don’t agree with the method, I would suggest alternate ways of tackling the assignment and explain how my suggestion would be better. After having a good conversation, if we still can’t see eye to eye, then I would have to trust my superior and follow his or her instructions.”

This is a solid answer because it is showing independence by having my own suggestion and thought, it shows I can think for myself, and finally, shows that I would be an employee that trusts the supervisor. Ultimately, this answer shows that I’m a smart person willing to make adjustments. I’ll take a moment here to clarify something. How does this answer show that I’m smart and a person willing to make adjustments? Well, many times, the interviewer will not see exactly what you want them to see. However, even if they don’t see all your good intentions, they will at least get a good feeling about you through your solid answers.

4.”If you’re told to do something that you feel is illegal, what would you do?”

This is an easy answer. Unless you are interviewing to be a gangster, you should have a similar answer to mine.

Short Answers

“I would first verify if it’s legal or not. If it is legal, then I would continue with the work. If it’s illegal, I would not do the work and tell my manager that this work is illegal. I would also let Human Resources aware of the situation.”

“I’d verify if the work was legal or not. If it wasn’t legal, then I’d confront my manager and my manager’s manager with this incident.”

“I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions. I would rather question my manager to verify if it is illegal or not. If I’m not convinced through facts, then I would investigate through other means. If I find it is illegal, I will not continue with the work and inform Human
Resources of this incident.”

Long Answer

“If I’m not sure, I would verify whether it’s legal or illegal before performing the task. If I find it is legal, then I would continue with the task. If not, then I would report the request to the boss of the person who asked me to do it. If the boss does not take appropriate action, I would find out why and report the incident to Human Resources myself.”

This is making you sound firm and stubborn. But in this situation, you have to be bold with your answer. You cannot let them think that you would hide the fact. This is especially true if you are interviewing for a finance or accounting position that deals with money or other important information.

5.”If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do?”

This is the hardest question I have to answer here. Being unfairly criticized is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate it when it happens and I usually blow up. I get mad and start to argue. But as you know, this is a bad answer to this question. They are asking you this question because they want to see if you will react professionally. Any answer that shows professionalism will be good.

Short Answers

“I’d probably ask for clarity on the criticism. I think it’s important to accept criticism for self improvement, but if it’s unfair, then I will clear things up by asking for clarity.”

“When I’m unfairly criticized, I usually think about the criticism and try to view it from a different angle. If I still can’t see why I was criticized, then I’ll approach the person and initiate a dialog to resolve the unfair criticism.”

“I usually use all criticism to help me grow. If I was criticized unfairly, there must be a little truth to it. I’ll learn as much as I can from it, but if it was really out of line, I would definitely approach the person and ask for clarity.”

Long Answers

“If I was unfairly criticized in private, then I would initiate dialog asking why he or she thought this way. I would try to understand their point of view and explain my point of view. If I was unfairly criticized in public, then I would be a little upset but I would wait to address the problem until the person criticizing me was alone. I would do this because if I’m upset, I wouldn’t want to start an argument without thinking. So after some time, I would approach the person and ask him or her why I was criticized. If it was justified, then I would use that as constructive criticism to improve myself. If not, then I would tell that person that it isn’t good to publicly criticize someone when they are not sure if it is correct.”

This is a professional answer, but it could sound like you are a weak person. If you want an example of becoming upset, then this is how I would get upset in a professional way.

“If I’m publicly criticized unjustly, I would immediately ask that person on what grounds he or she is saying that. One of my pet peeves is putting someone down in public and if I don’t say anything there, then this person is getting away with something terrible, and everyone there will think I did something wrong. I would keep my temper in check but make sure that people know the criticism wasn’t justified.