Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

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Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

(Philippians 3.7-14)

Paul the Apostle wrote this...

There is nothing better than knowing Jesus.

I consider everything I have achieved in this life worth nothing compared to the greatness of knowing Jesus my Lord. And I would gladly give up everything in this world for the joy of having Christ call me his friend and brother.

Not that I could ever earn or deserve that. But Christ calls me his friend and brother because I believe in him. He makes me good and holy, and worthy of his friendship and love because of my faith in him.

And so, one thing I do. I forget what happened yesterday, and I keep my eyes on what is ahead. I press on to win the prize that God is keeping for me - and that is to share in an everlasting life overflowing with love and happiness with Jesus.

There is nothing better than that on earth or in heaven.

(spacer)Paul, from his letter to the Philippians